Cannabinoid Analysis
All cannabinoids listed are tested using High Pressure Liquid Chromatography – Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD)
Cannabinoids are the terpeno-phenolic compounds unique to Cannabis that give the herb its multitude of medicinal properties. Cannabinoids are odourless and flavourless compounds located in the trichomes of leaves and mature flowers. It is the terpenes that give the plant aroma and flavour. There are many (over 100 discovered) different cannabinoids found in various quantities in different strains of Cannabis. The variations of cannabinoids and terpenes present in a given strain gives that strain its unique effect, taste and smell.
The most abundant cannabinoids, and their carboxylic acids, known to have medicinal properties, are tested for in our laboratory. Our professional lab technician uses High Pressure (Performance) Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technology to detect and quantify specific cannabinoids using known analytical standards.
The process begins with a dry-weight determination of the cannabis sample, then cannabinoid extraction into a solvent using sonication and centrifugation and finally injection into the HPLC. The resulting graph is compared to known cannabinoid standard solutions.

At Pura Analytical Labs, our current methods allow us to detect and quantify the following cannabinoids:
Microbial Screen
Herbal drugs including medicinal/recreational cannabis must be free from toxic bacterial and fungal contamination in order to be an effective medicine for obvious reasons.
When submitting your samples, please specify the desired criteria for microbial limits: European Pharmacopoeia 5.1.8, USP 2023 (Dietary Supplements), or USP 1111 (includes criteria for inhalation use).
Regulations require strict limits for:
E. Coli (pathogenic strains)
Bile Tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria (Enterobacter spp.)
Total Aerobic Microbial Count
Total Combined Yeasts and Molds
Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Our method utilizes state-of-the-art Quantitative PCR technology and Medicinal Genomics PathoSEEK reagents. qPCR is a highly sensitive technique identifying pathogen-specific DNA markers and reduces false-positive results common in traditional plating techniques.
Results can be available in 24 hours.

Mycotoxins Screen
Tested using Liquid Chromatography/Mass spectrometry (triple quadrupole)
Mycotoxins are harmful chemicals produced by mould species found on cannabis plants. Mycotoxins are known carcinogens. We employ the Perkin Elmer Q-Site 420 Dual Ion Source LC TQ-MSTM to screen for all of Health Canada’s banned pesticides and PGRs.
Eur. Ph. limits are applied.
Pesticide Screen
Tested using Liquid Chromatography/ Mass spectrometry (triple quadrupole)
Exposure to residual pesticides and plant growth regulators in cannabis can be detrimental, as some pesticides can be converted to more harmful substances when combusted. In addition, pesticide residues can become concentrated in cannabis extracts. We employ the Perkin Elmer Q-Site 420 Dual Ion Source LC TQ-MSTM to screen for all of Health Canada’s banned pesticides and PGRs:

Residual Solvent Screen
Tested using Gas Chromatography coupled with Flame Ionization Detection
Solvents left behind after extraction can be hazardous in high quantities.
Our solvent screen compares your results to the maximum allowable limits per gram of extract set by Health Canada. We employ the Perkin Elmer TurbomatrixTM Headspace GC-FID for these tests.
We test for the following residual solvents. All solvents noted are classed for Cannabis Oiland have a limit of 5000 ppm (parts per million):
Terpene Profile
Using GC-FID, we screen for 35+ terpenes commonly found in cannabis. Terpenes are responsible for the unique aroma and flavour characteristics of each strain. Many have synergistic effects with cannabinoids and other health benefits.
We employ the Perkin Elmer TurbomatrixTM Headspace GC-FID for these tests.
Vitamin E Acetate Test
Vape products that are not federally regulated may contain adulterants such as vitamin E acetate. Vitamin E acetate is used to make the vape liquid flow more easily into the cartridge. Vitamin E acetate is safe to consume orally but not safe to inhale. Vitamin E is a lipid based compound that over time can coat the lungs causing severe illness and even death. We can test vape products for Vitamin E acetate at Pura Labs. A minimum of 1 ml of vape product is required.
Select Vitamin E Acetate on our Analytical Request Form when you submit your sample.
Hops Latent Viroid Screen
The hop latent viroid (HLVd) is an infectious pathogen that causes disease in cannabis plants. It first came to the cannabis industry’s notice in California back in 2018. Now, the viroid has taken hold in Canada. The viroid can have a significant impact on a cannabis plant’s performance, and directly affect the value of subsequent harvests. We can screen for this single-stranded RNA virus via qPCR. Leaf samples or bud can be screened.
Heavy Metals
Four required heavy metals are screened for via our Perkin Elmer Nexion ICP-MS.
Inhalation use limits are applied (Eur. Ph. 2.4.27; USP 232; ICH guideline Q3D (R1) on elemental impurities Table A.2.2), with an LOQ of 0.01 ppm.
Custom elemental analysis available: water, soil and plant nutrient testing available on request.
Arsenic 0.2 ppm
Cadmium 0.3 ppm
Lead 0.5 ppm
Mercury 0.1 ppm